Presenting for Kids teaches children ages 8-11 how to give a basic informative speech. It provides them with a toolkit of methods and techniques to deliver an oral report to their classmates, as well as make a positive first impression in a new situation. This program is offered as a six week session with a maximum of ten children per class. The classes are 60 minutes in length and organized by grade level.
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An Example of Presenting Perfection in the Community
KidSpeak (TM) combines the best techniques from Improv, Acting and Public Speaking into an innovative and incredibly fun class to teach kids how to become top-notch communicators. In the 10-week session, we will cover everything from introductions and storytelling, to impromptu speaking and non-verbal communication to informative and persuasive speaking. In each class, students will have the opportunity to practice what they've learned during the session. By the end of the term, students will be experienced and knowledgeable 21st communicators with a strong understanding of how to navigate through a variety of communication scenarios and give an effective well-structured speech.